emergency 24/7 locksmith service
Over 35 Years of business experience providing services to residential and commercial customers throughout Southampton and all the SO postcodes.

Locked Out
IMA Locksmith will always use non-destructive entry methods whilst at your property. Using specialised locksmith tools and picks is paramount to IMA Locksmith gain entry methods.

Moving Home
Police, insurance companies, and IMA Locksmiths recommend changing your new home locks for a good reason. You never know who has an old set of keys for your new home...

smart Locks
Ultion Nuki Smart Locks hold British Standard and Kite Mark Accreditation and can be installed with a wireless keypad that includes fingerprint recognition. Smart, Simple, and Secure.

Door Jammed
cant lock it
Upvc door mechanisms can, over time, fail leaving you with a door that you can't open or can't lock. IMA Locksmith can attend site open, remove failed mechanism and replace with new.

24 Hour Emergency Locksmith
IMA Locksmith emergency service can be with you in 20 minutes (SO postcodes) for your residential and commercial needs all year round.

British Standard
British Standard Locks, BS3621 Locks, are insurance-approved locks that can be used on the front, side, and rear doors. IMA Locksmith can carry out free home security surveys.
Brisant Secure are a main player in the lock industry, I stock, supply and install there premium products as they offer a £2000 pay back guarantee should a burglar gain entry through there locks

The Ultion 3* lock is a main seller although they have just launched the 1* and 3* plus. Following on, The Nuki is a new product in there smart lock range, however this is also a fantastic lock.